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The Relation between Translation and Culture from the Aspect of Idioms and the Factors which Influence the Culture

This thesis concludes my postgraduate study in Henan Normal University. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the professors in the College of Foreign Language, whose preciseness and strictness set a good example for me in the future academic career. I felt gratitude especially goes to my supervisor , Guo Yingzhen ,whose illuminating instruction and endless assistance have greatly conduced to the accomplishment of this thesis.
I’m also very grateful to the teachers who have taught me in various ways during the course of my study for the bachelor’s degree.Especially I would like to thank Professor Guo Yingzhen and other professors in the Faulty of Foreign institution who inspired me a lot.
    Last but not least, I contribute this article to my dear family for their help during my college life.

    翻譯是一個復雜的過程,它是關于文化翻譯尤其如此。一般來說,翻譯涉及語言以及文化。譯者應該知道外國文化以及文化自己的人民。此外,譯者應連續比較兩種文化之間的等價獲得意義。翻譯的主要任務是翻譯源語言到目標語言。如何消除不同文化之間的語言障礙,如何傳達源語言的意義。本文說明了不同文化的影響已經在翻譯。文能從不同的方面分析:如思維的差異,心理學的文化之間的差異,不同的宗教、環境和生活環境不同的人,等等。                            關鍵字:翻譯;文化意識;文化和思維;文化差別;習語

 Translation is a complex process, especially when we translate the cultural text. Generally speaking ,translation involves language as well as culture. A translator should know foreign culture as well as the culture of his own people. Moreover ,a translator should make continuous comparisons between the two cultures for getting the equivalence meaning . The major task of translation is to translate the source language to the target language How to get rid of the language barrier between different culture, how to convey the meaning of the source language exactly is the focus of the people in different countries. This thesis illustrate the influences of different cultures have upon translation. Wen can analysis it from different aspects: such as the difference of thinking, the psychology of culture, the difference between different religion, the environment and living surroundings of different people, and so on.

Key Words: translation; the consciousness of culture; culture and thinking; cultural difference; idioms

Table of Contents 
Acknowledgments I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Table of Contents IV
Introduction 1
1.1 The concept of translation 3
1.2 The concept of culture 5
2.1 Religion 7
2.2 The psychology of culture 8
2.3 The way of thinking 9
2.4 different ways of life 10
2.5 Geographical environment 14
2.6 Geographical environment 15
Bibliography 19

This article contains the concept of translation and the concept of culture. The aim of translation is to making communication. Human’s social development and process need translation and human’s social development and progress should make communication between different nations, and during the process of communication, translation is indispensable. Translation, as an cultural phenomenon, thinking activity, related to the era and social background all in all. Translation is to render the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text. Translation is an art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a different background. Culture is a very broad concept, to give it a rigorous and precise definition is a very difficult thing. Many philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and linguists have been trying to define the concept of culture from the perspective of the respective discipline. However, so far it still has not have a recognized and satisfactory definition. According to statistics, about "culture" at least, it has more than two hundred kinds of different definition. Broadly speaking, culture is a social phenomenon, which is the creation of the products for a long time. But it is also a kind of historical phenomenon and is the social history remains. Rather, culture refers to a state or national history, geography, local conditions and customs, traditions, lifestyles, literature and art, behavior standards, way of thinking, values, etc. When we translate something, the background of the culture and the background of history should be considered. The relation between culture and translation is very close in a great extent. In this context, we analysis this problem from different aspects: the way of thinking, the psychology of thinking, and the customs and habits in different nations. If the background of culture and history is ignored, the truly meaning of the context will be lost.
One linguist in China has said: “what is the most difficult thing during the process of translation , it is the differences between two cultures.” Nida has mentioned this too: “translation is the communication between two different cultures.” And we can not ignore the importance of the background of culture and the background of history if we want to translate a piece of text which contains the information about culture or some thing else. When translating some thing, mastering the knowledge of culture and history is indispensable. There are too much factors which can influence the culture of the source language. 
 Zhu Guangqian, one writer in modern times, thinks the associate meaning is the most difficult thing when we translate one language into another language. Because in the dictionary you can not find the truly meaning under a certain context. 
But for literary study, it is one important factor you can not ignore. This requires us to know the custom and habit of the country we want to translate the language of it. Or we will find we do not know how to translate when we are given a piece of text. We can take a poem as an example. For example the poem:
        《靜夜思》 “窗前明月光,疑是地上霜。舉頭望明月。低頭思故鄉!
Using English, we can not convey the essence of this poem without the background of old Chinese and the thought when the author write this poem. And there are so many versions of it. For instance: 
(1) In the still of the night : I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tile back my head. Yearn, while stooping, for my home land more. 
    (2) A tranquil night: before my bed I see a silver light, I think the ground is covered with hoar frost. Raising my head, I find the full moon bright; and bowing down, in thought of home I’m lost. And there are lots of other versions translated by other translators. No matter which version , the emotion of the author must be considered, or they will ruin the essence of the poem. Tyler, one anthropologist in England, whose book primitive culture raises the concept of culture and describes it as “culture is a kind of complex abilities and habits, which includes knowledge, faith, art, moral, law and custom”. Thus we can know the wide coverage of culture, it is a complex system. Language, as a component of culture, reflect the phenomenon of a resourceful culture. 
Translation is so difficult as language reflect the culture, which conveys to much cultural content and limited by culture. Once language entered the human’s life as a tool of communication, the problem of cultural connotation and the ability of express something will arise. This not only requires the translator master the knowledge of bilingual ability but multilingual ability, especially they must know the consciousness of two different culture, religious culture and the geographic features, the historical customs and traditions, the process of forming culture, etc. For these factors, the language cultures of different nations reflect their own national features and the background of the nation.
1.1 The concept of translation
There are many different definitions of translation, in The Oxford English Dictionary it means “to turn from one language into another ”. Or recreating according the original text. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language gives us the definition of translation is “to turn into one’s own or another language”. While the definition in Columbia Encyclopedia is that translation is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor. “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual in another language.(J.C.Catford, 1994)”. “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene Nida, 1969)”. Translation is an old and young work, which come into exist since the old times and it becomes so hot in modern times. 
Translation is the need of human’s development and progress. The concept of translation can be defined from two aspects: broad sense and narrow sense. Generalized translation refers to the language and the language, language variation and language variants, such as language and nonverbal code conversion which convey the basic information. Extension of the concept is quite broad, including his translation between different languages, translation between language variation, language and other symbols of the communication conversion, etc. The contents of translation rules only emphasizes the "basic information", does not emphasize "completely loyal". Some translation theorists put forward the understanding and translation theory, so the language and thinking are also included in the general translation. 
Narrow sense translation is a linguistic activity, which is a kind of language to express the content of the faithfully expressed in another language. This definition emphasizes "translation is a language activity". The nature of translation determines the narrow sense ,which indicates that it is a human’s communicative approach in language communication, which emphasis on "one language to another language",which ruled out unification between different variants of translation between languages, which emphasis on "faithfully", avoiding the confusion of the translation and interpretation or rewrite. For example:"Sent someone to Coventry" refers to “reject someone”. The Coventry is a small town in UK, where the people hate soldiers very much, so when the soldier  
was sent after Coventry, there will be people from the group. Look at this sentence “1 will be with you from the egg to apples”, if translated into "I will eat eggs and apples with you”.It sounds obviously puzzling. Be translation should "I will always be with you"? This is because "in the west, people always eat eggs, bread and drink milk for breakfast, and finally a dish always ended up with desserts including apple". Then, from the egg to the apple, from dawn to dusk, from the beginning until after the most. Again, such as, "fishery occupies an important position in the British Isles, so that the British fish (fish) is commonly used to represent all kinds of people,  poor fish (poor), a strange fish (eccentric)". If the translation were translated into the big fish, small fish and poor fish, can every person can really understand the meaning of it, sometimes may even make a joke.
Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language. Different languages, may use different linguistic forms. Translation is also the social and psychological activities. One should be familiar with one’s own culture and be aware of the source language culture before the attempting to build any bridge with an alien culture that requires that its message be conveyed in anything but a alien way. That culture expresses its idiosyncrasies in a way that is “culture-bound”cultural words, proverbs and of course idiomatic expressions, whose origin and use are intrinsically and uniquely bound to the culture concerned. So we are called upon to do a cross - cultural translation whose success will depend on our understanding of the culture we are working with.
1.2 The concept of culture
    In dictionary the definition of it is the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. Or a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period. Or the development or improvement of the mind by education or training. Or the behaviors, beliefs or characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.
    Culture is a very broad concept, to give it a rigorous and precise definition is a very difficult thing. Many philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and linguists have been trying to define the concept of culture from the perspective of the respective discipline. 
However, so far it still did not have a recognized and satisfactory definition. According to statistics, about "culture" at least, it has more than two hundred kinds of different definitions. Broadly speaking, culture is a social phenomenon, is the creation of the products for a long time. But it is also a kind of historical phenomenon, is the social history remains. Rather, culture refers to a state or national history, geography, local conditions and customs, traditions, lifestyles, literature and art, behavior standards, way of thinking, values, etc.
About the relationship between translation and culture, Bassnett think the relation between culture and translation is the relation between the body and heart., culture is the body, language is the heart. As surgeons do surgery can't ignore the body surrounding tissue, the translator can not ignore the factors of culture when they translate some material. Hatmi and Mason believe that translation is a dynamic communicative process, the translator should not only understand two languages themselves,they should have two more cultural horizons, the translator should be acted as the role of the coordinator (mediator) between the original author and the reader . 
Anyhow, the translators emphasize the cultural factors of translation scholars stressed. The translator should be familiar with two cultures, introduce the primitive cultural factors in the translation activity. Whether translators' understanding of the original is correctly or not, largely depends on  his understanding of the culture, the success of translation, is mainly related to culture .
2.1 Religion
Everyone knows, Bible plays the role of the source in western’s life. Some statistic shows most Americans still have faith in the church. The British law protects religious freedom. Everyone has the freedom to believe any church, or not to believe any religion at all. There is no interference from the state or the community. 
Most of the world’s religions have followers in Britain, but the majority of the British people believe Christianity. The first Christian church was established at Canterbury in 597. While the Chinese are under the influence of Confucian School in great extent. Though the Buddhism, which spreads very well in China, is till a polytheism. This is different from westerners’ religious faith. 
In China, people have faith in the Buddhism and Taoism, so there phrase arises, such as “YuDi” “FoZu” and so on. While the westerners have faith in Christian, so there arises the word “God”. In Chinese, “謀事在人,成事在天”, In English there are two different versions, (1) “man propose, heaven disposes” or “man dropose , god disposes”. Their difference lies in the different translations of the word “天”!疤臁県as the strong color of Buddhism and Taoism. While the word of “God” has the oblivious color of Christian. The latter translation version is easy to understand and accept for the westerners, but can not convey the essence of connotation of it in China. The religion has great influence on English, it expresses in such phrases as “It is in God’s hand”(聽天由命), etc. 
When translation, it is very necessary for us to master the basic knowledge of religion. We can take the example of  “臨時抱佛腳”. If we translated it into “to embrace Buddha’s  feet in one’s hour of need”. It is very eccentric for the westerner. Why we need to embrace the Buddha’s feet sometimes? What is the use of this strange act? If we can deal it a little, it is another meaning for the westerner. We can translate it into “to embrace Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need ----seek help at the last moment”. So the westerners always say “God” “Holy” “Goddess” etc. While we Chinese choose to take the Heaven as our faith. This truly gives us another example of the different religious belief.
    Religious culture is an important part of human culture, which is made up of ethnic culture which is formed by the religious beliefs, awareness, etc. Fang Wenhua thinks different religion penetration and melt in their own language to express, only a deep understanding of many of the differences between Chinese and western culture, unique cultural connotation of understanding language, to avoid wrong translation, mistranslation, making the translation really play the role of cultural exchange. Chinese culture is extensive and profound, has a long history, in China's traditional culture, owing to the popularity of Taoism and Buddhism, there are many "the jade emperor, the view sound, bodhisattva." terms. Westerners believed in Christ thought that god created everything, many religious "god, the bible, the church, nuns," and other words.
2.2 The psychology of culture
As different nations use different language, and their history and culture are different too. So during the process of development in every nation, they formed their own national features owning to the unique historical background and cultural background. It is very important for the forming of a nation’s psychology state. The difference of history and culture mainly reflect on the aspect of some history stories , many taboos and preferences, and so on. We can take the number of “9” for an example, the number has special meaning in the culture of China, no matter in old times or in modern times, for it stands of the high position-- “jiujiu gui yi--the meaning of ruling the world”. While most Chinese do not like the number of “4”, for the pronunciation of it is similar with the pronunciation of “死--which means death”, especially in the number Of telephone, most people do not like the number “4” ended as the ending. As for another number “8”, which have the similar pronunciation of “發--which means fortune”. 
While in the eyes of the westerners’, “4” “8” “9” is only the common signs, which do not has special meaning. As we all known, “13” is a bad number for the westerners, which means bad luck. So the number are absent in the daily life. Especially, the number of seat, the number of the floor, and so on. But in China, this number do not have this kind of meaning. For the cultural connotation of these nonlingual words represent, the translators can understand and translate them well after knowing the historical culture of every nation. 
When talking about Chinese culture, people always come to the word “龍”. Because in old times, the emperor always describe themselves as “龍”,which is a symbol of “God”, which can consolidate their power, nation and land. But for the westerner, “龍” is another symbol, “a large fierce fabulous animal with wings and a long tail , a crested head and big claws, that can break the outfire ”. So it is very strange for the westerner to see the meaning the dragon. And they will not wish their children to be the Dragon. So to avoid misunderstanding the word of dragon, we can translate the phrase “望子成龍” into “long to see one’s child succeed in life ”.
2.3 The way of thinking 
Different district, different physiology, different psychology and the difference of culture will form different ways of thinking, especially the difference of culture decides the way of thinking in great extent. When translating, the translator must know the the barrier of the different culture and overcome it , then grasp the two different thinking moods. The Chinese will take a whole thing as a organic part. While the westerner are good at logical thinking, they will take the whole thing into different part. The difference between Chinese doctor and western doctor can illustrate this point very well. Chinese doctor emphasize the measures according the whole symptom. While the western doctor emphasize headache is an illness, foot ache is another disease, they will separate the whole thing into different part.2.4 different ways of life
Different ways of life influence on translation: from the history tradition and the real life, China has a long history of farming life, which formed the “farming”in Chinese is traditional, and is associated with the large number of idioms. If we meet the Chinese,they will ask "eat?" And according to the tradition of western English habits. They often talk about the weather.So we can only translate it into “how do you do” or “hello”.
    Three different influence of custom on translation in social life and cultural exchange, different countries will be formed in the process of its peculiar customs. The differences of English custom is various, such as in the attitude to the dog, the dog in Chinese is commonly used to describe the bad things, such as "evil, a coward, bailiffs, brutal and cold blooded" etc.The  British people usually use “dog” to express good meanings. however, they often be used to describe people, such as "lucky dog" (lucky), "top dog" (VIPs), "love me, love my dog" (love me, love my dog). Again, such as, "dead and marriage", if we translate them into "weddings, funerals," is inappropriate. Chinese symbol red festival, when they get married in red color, and the funeral to wear white, so the Chinese idiomatic "red" said "marriage", "white" means "death". Westerners, however, think the white represents purity, loyalty, bride wears white,when there is a funeral they should wear black. So "funerals" is not accurate for people in British or American. And there is another example, when talked about dragon. British people often takes it as an bad word. They often refer it as “evil” or something related. But for our Chinese, we thinks that dragon is our ancestors. So they are totally different between our Chinese and the English.
Historical allusions in different countries.They have different influence on translation between English and Chinese.Two languages have been formed by historical allusion, language acquisition. These idioms simple structure, profound, often come from a single literal meaning to understand and translation. Such as "meet one's Waterloo” means totally failure for somebody in western countries.But in Chinese we cannot understand this phrase without the background  it concerned.And there is another example.”一個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮”, they can translate it into “three cobblers equal to Zhu Geliang -----the master mind”. When we translate it, if we don’t consider the background in China, the westerners even don’t know what is Zhu Geliang. Let alone the truly meaning of the sentence. In western countries , they don’t know the truly meaning of the sentence for the deficiency of cultural background. However, in China, even a little child can understand it with his mind abstracted.
Chinese and English, two languages are produced in different cultural background. This will lead to two languages existed in the expression of difference it the views of people. To deal with the culture differences during the process of translation, we should focus  my mind on the two cultures, comprehension ability. We should also improve our cultural accomplishment. To overcome the differences between Chinese and western culture in the translating process into obstacles, make the translation vivid as possible.
Understanding the meaning of the original text while translating is not simply a matter of understanding. The language is a component of the culture, which is affected and limited by culture. In the course of translating, whether the translator has the right understanding or not, depends on his knowledge of the relevant culture to a great extent. For a translator, without the comparison of two culture, whether he can understanding the spoken and written language well is unimaginable. That is why we say, “learning a language is kind of learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken”. So long as we study the culture behind the language during the process of studying a language, a large amount of culture information can be transmitted equivalently. These are comparatively simpler in translation. 
Besides similarities, there are also many differences between two cultures, which from the most difficult part in translation. We must keep in mind that translation is a cross - cultural activities. When we face an original text, it may be well written, attractive, tempting and aesthetic. But if one does not know the difference between two cultures, it would be rather difficult for him to achieve the same effect in the translated work.
National culture and long history and develops with the time. Although they are very short sometimes ,their significance is far-reaching. However the thinking modes of different notions are very different sometimes . We need to make some conversion while translating the idioms. 
        路遙知馬力,日久見人心。 A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long task proves a man’s heart
   飛流直下三千尺,疑是銀河落九天。Down it cascades a sheer thousand feet, as if the Silver River were falling from Heaven!
   樹倒猢猻散。 Once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter.
   窮棒子鬧翻身,是八仙過海,各顯其能? The way we poor folks try to emancipate ourselves is just like the way the Eight Fairies crossed the sea each displaying his own talent......Note: The Eight Fairies are the eight immortals of Taoism in Chinese folklore.
   成也蕭何敗蕭何  To meet one’s Waterloo
   逼上梁山  Watergate Scandal 
   殺手锏  Lame duck 
   一個和尚挑水吃,兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。  One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
   殺雞取卵  Kill the goose to get the eggs.
   魚米之鄉  Milk and honey
   青出于藍而勝于藍  The master is surpassed by the apprentice.
   貪字變貧字  Grab all, lose all.
   人不可貌相  You can not judge a horse by its saddle.
As for the ways of cohesion, English will choose hypotaxis, namely in the syntactic form using the connection words connect sentences or causes; While Chinese intentions Darataxis, which depends on the sense of cohesion rather than relying on connectors. English grammar is quite closely, pay attention to hypotaxis, precise shape. Each sentence, paragraph or paragraphs usually consists of some function words and some specific phrases, clauses. These features can represent different function or a word or phrase ideas, such as cause and effect, comparison, concessions, conditions, twist, etc. Each clause in complex sentences, distinct, clause must be guided by the subordinator. In the compound, coordinate clauses are usually connected by some punctuation marks. As we all know, Chinese is heavy parataxis, regardless of primary and secondary relationship between a lot of sentences or clauses, only through meaning for cohesion. There are some sentences which we can compare them with each other. 
    It is so cool that we decide to go out for a walk. 天氣涼爽,我們決定出去散步。
    Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
The difference between the overall thinking and individual thinking. Chinese culture emphasizes the overall thinking pattern no matter in old times or modern times .Harmony and unity is good embodiment of thought.
So, In Chinese as the main body of the behavior subject, often omitted, is often said that without the main clause. But western culture is different, which emphasizes the opposition of subject and object. In the embodiment of the language is what is called a subject-predicate two points. In addition to the imperative sentence, every English sentence should have a subject, or the sentence is incomplete. In the english-Chinese translation, therefore,  for many Chinese sentences we need to  according to the specific context for them to add the subject. There are an example of it: “眼看天就要下雨,又沒有帶雨傘,都很關著急,真不知該去哪里。  It is raining; we do not have no umbrella with us. We are all worried about it, because we do not know where to go at the moment ”.
We can see that the original words of description is not a word which can be made as the subject. But here, according to the context and context of the specific environment, when we translated into English, adding “ it “ and “ we “ as different clauses of the subject, so it make the state of the person’s mind be in harmony with the environment at the time, and totally reached the realm of "harmony between man and nature". After added the subject, which is in conformity with the English sentence --it must have a subject requirements. Also, it is in line with the European and American culture known as the separation of the subjective and the objective mode of thinking. The whole structure of the target language is complete and distinct.
2.5 Geographical environment
As we all known, England is an island country, more than one thousand kilometers from south to north and 500 kilometers from east to west. Its coastline runs about ten thousand kilometers, making it one of the countries with a long coastline in the world. In Britain no place is over kilometers away from the sea. British people are sensitive to privacy and they do not like to talk of personal affairs such as money, wage, age, or wealth, but they are fond of discussing the weather. Sometimes they even argue heatedly over what the weather is going to be like. Perhaps it is nothing more than a habit.
The weather in England is changeable, even the weather is raining at most times. Britain has a maritime climate and changeable weather. So the people in England have special feelings about the weather and then they want to talk the weather when they meet each other. There are some examples: “a lovely day. Is not it ?” “What is the weather like today?” and so on. This is the common phrase they use when they meet. And England is a typical maritime nation. So there are a lot of idioms and phrase about the ocean. While the land of China is interior. The resource of culture have relation with the farmland and the Chinese have a special feeling with the land. For example: we can express spend money very quickly and without limited. In English, we can say “spend money like water”. And in Chinese, we can say “揮金如土”. 
2.6 Geographical environment
Geographical environment has great influence on climate. At the same time, geographical environment have great influence on the the language or clause used by the local people. For example: in Chinese culture, "dong feng" is "spring wind", summer often and intense heat relates in together, hot "scorching sun" is often used to describe the summer. And British in the western hemisphere, north temperate zone, oceanic climate, report message but is west wind in spring, a famous poet Shelley's "ode to west wind" is the song of spring. The British summer is a pleasant season, commonly used "lovely, gentle, beautiful" to describe.

     Different nationalities in greeting, appellation, thanks, compliments, apologies, farewell, phone calls etc are different. Customs is with corresponding national characteristics. As Chinese people meet each other , they often say "hello" to each other or "where are you going?" , "what do you do?" or "have a meal?" and so on. In Chinese culture, these words do not have any meaning. these words is just a courtesy meet, a way of greeting. For westerners, however, it is sensitive to this kind of problem. Because in their view, it is a purely private matter, which can't be casually asked. Meet greeting, like that in the western world should do according to the specific circumstances corresponding culture conversion, convert in English idioms, such as "Hi!" , "Good morning" or "How are you?.
  In terms of title, and allegations of a concepts in different languages have different application scopes. This is also decided by beauty, such as different cultural background. Because Chinese pay attention to the concept of family and the system of family is very big, so the system becomes more developed to distinguish different relations between family members. Like “sister”, “brother” and “sister” and “brother”, they are distinguished clearly between the lines. In western countries because of focus on so-called nuclear family, so family members is not too much and appellation vocabulary is not rich. Sister and brother in English can be respectively used to say sister and brother and sister and brother. So many Chinese feel they don't understand about this appellation very much. In many cases, the translation of this kind of text must be quoted so as not to cause misunderstanding. Also Cousins is also not the same in both English and Chinese kinship terms, all require that we should be careful in Chinese and foreign communication, so that communication can be re-scheduled accordingly.
To sum up, a kind of language is the product of this kind of specific culture. In cross-cultural communication, the "cultural conflict" (culture shock) phenomenon is inevitable. However, if you want to overcome these conflicts , it may be very difficult in a short time. Because taking a language from the surface meaning to all of the ingredients in the symbolic meaning by translation all accurate expression is almost impossible. Translation of translatability is restricted by many factors, like differences in people's thinking, the different culture and regional culture differences and so on. In the process of translation, therefore, how to deal with the cultural factors becomes the translator is very important task. As a responsible for the translator, the translator should be able to accurately grasp the cultural meanings of the original, if necessary, to the original because of the cultural background in translation properly, for easy to make readers misunderstanding in the alien culture concept to make the necessary clarification, which can help the readers across the cultural divide, to achieve the best understanding. 

All in all, any translation can not be separated from culture. Culture is a complex collection of experiences, which includes history, social structure, religion,traditional customs and everyday usage. This is difficult to comprehend completely. Especially in relation to a target language, one important question is whether the translation will have any readership at all, as the specific reality being portrayed is not quite familiar to the reader. Whether the translator can express the original meaning or not depends on his understanding of the relevant culture to a great extent. For a translator, it is impossible for him to do so if he does not possess the knowledge of the two cultures. Cultural transfer requires a multi - pronged approach. It is concerned with the author’s relationship to his subject matter and with the author’s relationship to his reader. These should be reflected in a good translation. The translator has to transmit this special cultural quality from one language to another. So we should pay much attention to the relationship between culture and translation when we are doing translation.


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超薄肉色丝袜脚交调教视频| 人妻毛片视频网站| 成年女性腰围| 日韩欧美网站| 一级做a爱片久久毛片a高清| 老司机午夜免费在线亚洲| 男女做爰吃奶摸动视频| 亚洲一级午夜福利| 黄色视频免费看的| 久久精品国产91精品麻豆| 日韩av网站免费观看| 一级毛片黄色免费看| 91在线亚洲欧美| 欧美久久精品中文字幕一区| 国产三级电影院二区三区| 国产成人18黄网站免费观看| av网址国产| 免费看成人国产一区二区三区| 100部免费a级毛片| 女生免费看毛片| 免费在线观看不卡av网站| 亚洲成人午夜福利电影| 精品熟女一区| 免费av不卡国产| 日韩人妻熟女一区二区三区| 疯狂的肥岳交换| 97免费视频国产在线观看| 精品国产福利久久| 亚洲一区自拍视频| FREEXXXXHD国语对白| 日本乱偷中文字幕| 一级a爱片免费观看的视频| 国产老熟女伦老| 变态挤奶水AV大片| 久久人人妻人人爽人人澡| 午夜av福利电影网站| 久久精品人人爱| 欧美久久激情图| 国产熟女极品| 2048国产精品| 天天碰日日干夜夜操| 免费99精品视频| 国产精品欧美精品一区二区| 国产精品无码一区二区在线观看| 一二三四免费观看在线视频中文| 久久精品超碰国产酒店| 国产精品亚洲欧美日韩一区二区| 久久久久久好爽爽久久| 成人毛片18女人毛毛片免费看| 一区二区国产视频在线观看| 新99精品免费视频| 黄视频国产免费| 日日碰日日摸夜夜草| 欧美日韩视频一区在线看| 亚洲欧美在线观看免费视频| 亚洲免费观看av网址| 影音先锋女人AV鲁色资源网| 一区,二区,三区免费观看| 久久影院成人| 国产综合亚洲精品一区二区三区| 国内精品一区二区三区四区| 女人十人毛片免费观看3o分钟| 日本wwww免费看| 久久久国产午夜成年影院| 99精品免费视频久久久久久久久| 成人黄色免费在线视频| 少妇人妻视频久久| 久久中文字幕123| 欧美多毛熟女视频| 亚洲最新av一区二区三区| 99热只有这里有精品| 强制侵犯系列中文字幕av| 人妻熟女一区二区不卡| 把少妇弄高潮了WWW| 荡女淫春视频| 久久精品a一国产成人免费网站| 亚洲老司机深夜私人影院| 看三级精品国产三级精品| 人妻少妇精品专区性色app| a级毛片免费进| 欧美成人精品区| 美女高潮喷水被强摸下面| 你懂的午夜电影| 国产精品亚洲精品久久久久爽 | 国产精品久久久三级18| 亚洲精品在线va| av伦理影院在线观看| 国产三级久久粉嫩| 少妇高潮久久久久久久被弄| 日韩欧美视频网址在线| 狠狠色7777久夜色撩人安全吗| 亚洲国产精品成人久久综合影院| 中文字幕久久有码| 女高中生自慰污免费网站| 99热全是精品| 久久久久夜夜夜| 99久久婷婷国产麻豆精| 毛片在线一区二区三区| 午夜福利亚洲精品不卡| 国产精品一区二区av麻豆蜜臀 | 成熟女人牲交视频| 欧美成人免费一区二区三区四区| 噜噜吧色噜噜| 成人a级毛片| 久久精品国产99久久久 | 久久精品国产影片| 高潮喷水网站在线观看| 人妻暴雨中被强制侵犯 | 国产精品视频99免费| 毛片三级免费网站| 国产精品3p一区二区视频| 精品偷自拍另类在| 日本系列有码字幕中文字幕| 激情黄片在线免费看视频一区| 骚片视频在线免费观看 | 久久精品国产亚洲av香蕉明| 久久久精品人妻一区二区三区同人| 国产精品国产高清国产aⅴ| 免费AV一区二区三区3ATV| 图片区视频一区视频二区小说区| 亚洲av国产精品午夜福利| 国产成人一卡2卡3卡4卡精品| 亚洲av伊人| 久久精品国产99久久72部| 对着岳的大白屁股就是猛| 久久不见久久见中文字幕免费| 精品日韩欧美亚洲综合| 学生和老师XXXXWWW| 免费看小黄鸭av片成人| а√天堂最新网址| 久久久久久久久′久久免费精品| 免费国产成人aⅴ观看 | 高潮直喷水呻吟| 精品97国产一区二区三区| 亚洲乱码av一区二区| 一欧美一区二区三区四| 欧美一区二区精品国产激情爱| 国产精品久久久久亚洲孕妇黑| 日日摸夜夜看| 成人女子免费视频| 免费av网址国产| 国产精选av香蕉片| 亚洲精品网站在线观看免费| 99久久综合精品五月天人人| 亚洲精品第一页在线播放| 67194con网在线观看| 美女色骚噜噜| 桃花视频在线观看高清播放| 国产理论精品在线观看| 日本50岁熟妇XXXX| 国产欧美日本一区二区在线观看 | 国产精品成人欧美一区| 欧美乱大交3| 亲胸揉胸膜下刺激视频免费看| 久久久久精品国产电影| 父亲干了我再去写作业| 亚洲自拍偷拍熟女| 亚洲综合久久精品国产高清| 老鸭窝av手机在线| 国产欧美一区色二区三区| 成人播放中文字幕| 精品口国产乱码久久久久久| 国产一区二区精品久久| 亚洲热大香蕉| 国产精品国内视频| 亚洲老司机午夜福利在线观看| 人人澡人人妻人| 被黑人猛躁10子高潮视频| 国产午夜亚洲精品麻豆| 亚洲伊人久久大香线蕉下载| 欧美精品成人免费视频| AV无码A在线观看| 18videosex极品性欧美| 人妻激情乱人伦| 久久看片天天av免费观看| 日本 888 XXXX| 亚洲欧美成人综合图区| 色婷婷国产精品久久包臀| 成人av网址一区二区三区| 男生洗澡时自慰XNXX| 搡女人真爽免费视频大全软件 | 亚洲av影院网站| 欧美激情久久综合| 78m成人免费视频国产av| 我和闺蜜两口子玩互换| 有码中文字幕在线| 国产三级国产精品国产普通话| は 波多野 たのゆい 结衣| 熟女人妻av一区二区| 中文AV网址在线观看| 搡老熟女东北国产av| 人妻少妇又紧又骚又爽| 久久这里只精品国产免费9| 成人三级黄色在线观看| a级毛片黄色| 国产视色精品亚洲一区二区| 青春草在线观看国产| 亚洲国产精品久久| 国产在线一区二区精品不卡| 国产乱码精品一区二区三区四 | 久久久www一区二区三区| 国产精品厕所偷窥盗摄| 国产高清在线观看视频一线| 久久久久久久免费免费精品 | 精品中文字幕专区| av在线免费观看国产精品| 老司机精品电影久久| 中文字幕无线码一区2015| 四虎4HU国产精品| 欧美日韩最新精品一区二| 久久久精品免费免费高清| 素人丝袜中文字幕| 亚洲精品欧美国产入口| 亚洲高清av视频| 黑色丝袜老师好紧我要进去了| 日韩欧美一区二区三区精品影视| 日本一本二本三区高清资源| 99RE66久久在热青草| 毛片免费网站有哪些| 天堂av一区2区| 黄床大片一区| 免费一级黄色片视频在线观看| 亚洲精品国产婷婷久久| 熟女超碰熟女久久熟女伊人| 精品国产一区二区三区久久久樱花| 国产成人a亚洲精v品| 视频一区图片区小说区| 欧美多毛熟女视频| 久久丫精品久久丫| 97热精品视频在线观看| 六月丁香婷婷国产| av制服丝袜诱惑天堂| 久久精品国产亚洲av久试看| 护士爽到疯狂潮喷好爽| 国产在线卡一卡二卡三卡四卡| 香蕉久久成人国产精品| 久久成人av精品| 少妇无码AV无码去区钱| 适合在在自慰时看的黄文| 在线观看日韩精品一区二区三区 | 国产AV福利第一精品| 玩弄人妻一区二区三区| 欧美精品一区二区三区aⅴ在线 | 国产日韩亚洲欧美精品专区| 成人在线观看av片| 亚洲国产香蕉久久精品| 国内特级毛片免费观看| 欧美日韩亚洲视频二区| 久久青青草电影| 中文字幕狠操人妻| 欧美精品亚洲精品一区二区| 久久欧美日韩| 午夜影院一区二区| 亚洲av伦理电影| 国产在线一区二区不卡| CHINESE激烈高潮HD| 国产欧美成人v在线观看| 黄片高清不卡在线观看| 制服丝袜av最新看片| 伊人久久大香线蕉一区二区 | 欧美视频在线观看日本| 大陆国产av| 亚洲欧美日韩无卡精品| 欧美一区二区三级电影| 久久久久亚洲AV无码专区网站 | 2020国产精品久久久久精品| 亚洲综合国产一级精品| 亚洲av亚洲av| 制服丝袜av网址| 91香蕉久久精品网| 小sao货cao得你舒服么视| 国产老熟女久久久| 午夜神马影院国产| 天天射日日干夜夜操| 欧美色倩网站大全免费| 国产成年人精品一区二区| 日本视频一级在线| 线在在线精品视频| 久久精品国产亚洲精品av| 久久久日本中文字幕一区| 亚洲婷婷精品久久久久| www4444333kkk国产| 中文字幕亚洲资源网久久| 上别人丰满人妻| 6一12泑女WWW雏| 亚洲高清在线观看一二区无| 女人借种一级毛片| 国产av久久精品一区二区三区| 国产偷国产偷高清精品| 国产精品成人三区| 18以下岁禁止1000部免费| 成人在线观看av片| 日韩国产欧美高清不卡| 国产国语露脸对白视频| 国产免费精品一区二区三区| 视频亚洲av| 少妇一区二区三区| 亚州一区二区三区av无玛| 欧美日韩中文在线播放| 成人一区二区免费在线观看| 美国精品高潮呻吟久久av| 国产三级电影在线免费播放| 色欲色香天天天综合网站| 成a人片国产精品| 粗大猛烈进出高潮视频免费看| 精品亚洲成人一区二区三区| 日韩欧美成人高清电影| 欧美精品成人免费视频| 国产三级在线观看一区二区| 色SE01短视频永久网站| 国内少妇人妻偷人精品xxx网站| 日韩永久免费av| 亚洲AV无一区二区三区久久| 国产精品国产三级国产专区5o| 黄色一级毛片看看| 久久精品夜色国产亚洲蜜臀| 99国产国语对白视频| 日本欧美一区二区视频在线观看| 亚洲欧美日韩精品二区| 99久久精品午夜一区二区一| 中国一级黄色片免费的| 亚洲永久视频免费| 午夜电影院韩国三级| 大陆一级a毛片| 国内精品导航| 一本精品久久a| 日韩国产中文字幕在线视频| 中文字幕乱码免费在线人妻| 999成人永久免费视频| 久久人妻中文字幕| H无码精品动漫在线观看免费| 侵犯人妻中文字幕一二三四区| 人人澡人人妻人| 亚洲免费精品aⅴ国产| 欧美成年人精品性视频| 东京热av男人的天堂av| 欧美亚洲综合精品视频| 小说视频一区二区三区| 日本少妇的色视频在线播放| 人妻在夫面前被性爆| AV天堂永久资源网AV天堂| 男女边摸边吃奶边做视频韩国 | 久久精品a一国产成人免费网站| 国产一级a一级a爰片免费| 精品一久久香蕉国| 欧美日韩色一区二区三区| 国产做a爰片久久毛片| 久久精品亚洲夜色国产av| 综合国产av麻豆精品| 五月激激激综合网亚洲| 久久亚洲熟女中文字幕| 波多野结衣av人妻一二三区| 国产黄色片a区一区二区三区| av成人观看免费网址av| 亚洲精品一区二区三区四区av| 老板不让穿乳罩随时揉| 亚洲av伦理电影| 欧美熟女黑人巨大| 在线观看另类av| 亚洲高清av片在线观看| 欧美一区二区精品国产激情爱| 日韩欧美国产视频一区| 尤物精品国产亚洲av麻豆| 久久变态另类亚洲精品| 老司机午夜视频网站| 自拍偷自拍亚洲亚洲精品第1页| 午夜精品一二三不卡影院| 亚洲一区二区三区在线视频观看| 精品人人妻人人澡人人爽人人| 免费看三级毛片| 黄色视频免费不卡网站高清| 亚洲精品狼友访问紧急通知| 国产精彩视频一区二区三区| 美国成年女毛视频| 国产日韩亚洲精品在线| 特黄特色的免费大片| 舔乳头的视频| 欧美成人网免费观看| 免费毛片在线观看网站| 日韩美高清视频| 国产欧美亚洲a| 亚洲欧美视频在线精品| 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人| 国产精品三级理论电影| 黄片视频无遮挡观看| 熟女人妻一区二区免费 | 日本系列有码字幕中文字幕| 免费国产无遮挡黄的网站| 成人永久福利视频免费观看| 特级婬片女子高清视频| 舔乳头的视频| 成年日本片黄网站| 穿珍珠内裤上课高潮被同学看到| 精品久久久久久99| 日韩av高清免费在线观看| 已满18在线观看网站| 最近最新免费中文字幕3| 欧美日韩极品美女在线视频| 久久综合狠狠综合久久综合| 男人日女人视频免费| 成人高清国产在线观看| 医生帮我取出里面的球| 国产日韩亚洲欧美第一第二区 | 成人毛片60女人毛片免费| 久久人人爽人人爽人人看| 中文字幕老妇偷乱视视频在线| 小的学生VIDEOSEX| 伊人久久大香线蕉一区二区 | 久久99国产综合免费精| av天综合av亚洲| 爱我影院在线播放视频| 97久久热精品| 人妻三级中文字幕久久| 人人爱卫生人人讲卫生演讲稿| 可以免费看毛片的网站| 男女边摸边吃奶边做gif| 色婷婷激情av精品影院| 日日摸日日碰夜夜爽免费视频| 爆乳放荡的女教师BD| 国产精久久精品| 久久国产野战| 日本不卡一卡新区手机| 精品日韩欧美在线观看| 国产超碰人人爽人人做| 一级毛片18女人高清水真多| 日韩电影一区二区在线看| 91午夜精品亚洲一区二区三区| 97人妻人人澡人人爽人人精品| 久久婷婷亚洲国产精品第一页| 黑人高潮一二区| av岛国不卡在线观看| 水蜜桃无码视频人在线观看| 91中文字幕色在线| 快猫.CC网站入口| av电影网站在线| 国产精品国产三级国产专不? | gay男男chinese男男资源国产中国男男 | 国产成人福利免费视频打野战| 亚洲国产精品av麻豆一区| 欧美国产日韩一二三区| 色播在线免费播放| 中文字幕一区第二页精品| 亚洲JIZZJIZZ在线播放| 欧美激情亚洲在线| 午夜黄大色黄大片美女| 亚洲色图 自偷自拍| 国产高清中文字幕在线| 久久99国产热| 成年美女黄网站18禁免费| 男女做爰吃奶摸动视频| 亚洲AV午夜福利精品一区| 人人妻人人澡人人妇| 最近2019中文字幕一页二页| 欧美一区二区三区黄色| 女人和公牛做了好大好爽| 国产精品av一区二区三区不卡| 激情看片一区二区三区| 欧美色综合av一区二区三区| 国产真实偷乱视频| 亚洲av大片在线播放| A级情欲片在线看BD| 特别色的网站在线观看| 人妻激情乱人伦| 国产精品午夜av片在线| 欧美日韩精品免费一区二区三区| 国产精品麻豆成人av电影软件| 久久久久精品国产亚洲av软件| 午夜综合电影| 国产饥渴熟女| 久久久久久久久久成人| 欧美日韩精品免费一区二区三区| 久久久精品成人网| 国产女人叫床高潮视频在线观看| 日日艹夜夜撸| 在线看黄网站色| 99久久国产综合精品1| av黄色国产一区二区| 欧美人妻人人爱| 中文字幕在线观看有码| 宅男午夜激情一区二区免费播放| 狠狠躁夜夜躁人人爽天天天天| 亚洲高清国产一区| 五月婷婷六月丁香免费网| 成人免费一区二区视频| 女人十六女人十六毛片| 在线观看91精品国产麻豆蜜桃| 在线观看黄色视频一区二区三区 | 亚洲天堂电影av| 久久精品国产亚洲av毛片| av伦理影院在线观看| 一级无遮挡毛片免费视频| 中国大屁股XXXX| 内射多人视频| 琪琪免费福利电影| 狠狠精品人妻久久久久久综合| 日韩一区二区三区免费影视| 日韩欧美久久久免费精品| 国产精品亚洲一区二区在线观看| 国产美女黄性色av网站| 黄色视频免费a级毛片| 99久久精品午夜| 在线观看99午夜福利| 中文字幕无线码一区2015| 中国JAPANESE高潮尖叫| 久久精品国产亚洲av网| 亚洲av精品久久99| 日韩亚洲AV无码一区二区三区| 国产成人福利精品在线| 国产三级国产精品国产普通话| 久久香蕉国产的| 18禁美女裸身图无遮挡| 国产人妻精品一区二区三水牛 | 99久久综合精品五月天人人| 国产精品流白浆| 在线观看国产一区二区视频| 久久国产影视| 亚洲男人的天堂狠狠| 国产成人AAAAAA网站| 国产精品无遮挡裸体视频| 国产精华免费| 激情狠狠欧美| 护士办公室裙揉捏喝乳| 亚洲一卡2卡3卡四卡国色天| 98精品国产亚洲a| 精品成人av大片| 美女露出尿口喷水无遮挡| 在线观看人成大片免费视频| 午夜国产亚洲精品一区| 熟妇人妻va精品中文字幕| 亚洲AV高清在线观看一区二区| 麻豆97欧美在线| 亚洲精品国产av久久久久| 女人喷液抽搐高潮视频| 欧美日韩精品免费一区二区三区| 麻豆人妻精品一区二区| 亚洲伊人成综合网色777| 成人天堂精品| 久久性视频一级片| 男女免费视频国产| 华人黄网站大全| 午夜电影日韩av区二区| 自拍偷拍视频网友自拍区视频97| 亚洲精品91久久久久久| 亚洲精品成人av一区二区| 国内特级毛片免费观看| 成片一区二区三区在线观看| 小SAO货都湿掉了高H奶头好硬| 日韩精品视频一二三区| 成人在线视频三区| 久久黄视频免费看| 一区二区三区久久影院| 欧美日韩一区二区三区hd| 久久亚洲真实| av网站一区二区在线观看| 极品粉嫩学生国产在线| 国产精品免费看久久久| 中文字幕无码日韩专区免费| 亚洲AV综合AVAV中文| 国内无套内射视频毛片| 久久精品亚洲夜色国产av| 久久精品一区二区三区在| 蜜臀av伊在人亚洲香蕉精品区| 国产新品av| 国产色爽女视频免费观看| 国产精品一区视频播| 真人试看做受120秒3分钟| 97青青草原| 国产一二三区乱码| 欧美日韩国产在线区| 免费观看精品国产| 久久婷婷国产精品综合| 黄视频国产免费| 亚洲黄片大全在线观看| 极品粉嫩福利午夜在线观看| 亚洲伊人成综合网色777| 免费看成人国产一区二区三区 | 精品少妇一区av| 男女午夜福利国产| 国产欧美日韩精品一| 欧美精品一级黄色| 一级a爱做片在线观看免费| 曰本大片播放器| 特黄特大黄色片| 日韩av毛片网站| 欧美精彩视频一区二区三区| 成a人片国产精品| 久久久久亚洲精品av片| 91精品福利在线观看不卡| 亚洲精品久久久久久图片| 特级毛片a级毛片免费播视频| 女人梦到自己开车撞到人人没事| 最近的2019中文字幕3| 亚洲av午夜精品福利| 久久人妻av系列| 亚洲欧美精品综合久久99| 97人人模人人喊人人爽| 亚洲少妇熟女av| 国产精品久久久久久久电影| 成人特级黄色片久久久久久久 | 三级免费毛片大放送| 亚洲美女丝袜制服av| av亚洲伊人| 在线看国产黄视频| 字幕网av中文在线| 亚洲免费av第一区| 欧美成人精品三级在线观看播放| 亚洲AV无码国产在丝袜线观看| 里番库全彩本子彩色本子H| 人妻无码AV中文系列久久第一页| 久久精品影院免费观看| 亚洲精品一区少妇| 久久国产午夜免费婷婷综合精品网| 国产av久久精品一区二区三区| 男女gif啪啪| 国产精品久久久三级18| 国产精品日韩久久久久久| 亚洲欧美一区精品国产| 大香伊人久久综合| av天堂亚洲一区久久极品| 日本欧美视频v| 四虎永久在线精品视频| 亚洲在线高清av| 一本一本久久a久久精品综合妖精| 国产亚洲欧美第二区| 一级午夜影院| 人人妻人人澡人人添| 日韩国产激情网站| 全部毛片免费在线播放| 无码国产福利AV私拍| 韩国无码AV片在线电影网站| 欧美乱色亚洲激情| 国产成人精品啪麻豆| 亚洲国产精品8x| 日韩av高清在线| 嫩草影院国产| 日韩精品av电影在线观看| av性夜久久| POPNHUB国产在线观看| 亚洲国产电影在线观看一区二区| 一边摸一边做爽爽视频免费| 在线观看亚洲涩| av国产熟女丰满熟女| 日韩欧美精品自拍偷拍| 熟女人妻の波多野结衣在线| 日本韩国综合在线| 黄色三级毛片毛片毛片| 亚洲熟妇大图综合色区| 欧美日韩免费做爰大片人| 国产精品高清一区二区不卡片| 国产熟女一区=区| JLZZ大全高潮多水| 国产亚洲欧洲日本| 亚洲国产成人av人片久久网站| 无套内射孕妇毛片免费看| 中文字幕av丝袜一区| 久久亚洲精品无码观看不卡 | 国产成人av小说| 怡红院影院亚洲| 亚洲国产成人精品一二三区| 五月婷婷六月丁香色| av中文字幕第一区| 欧美成人精品一区二区三区尖| 欧美在线一区二区三区日韩电影| 国产精品久久国产精麻豆99| 在线观看人成大片免费视频| 十三以下岁女子毛片| 久久国产女精品你| 久久国产成人高清精品| 亚洲日本免费在线| 裸体舞蹈XXXX裸体视频| 欧美精品一区二区三区国产| 黄片av91| 把少妇弄高潮了WWW| 黑人欧美特级aaaaaa片| 欧美日韩在线国产区| 日韩电影一区二区在线观看 | 成人区人妻精品一区二区三区| 国产日韩精品成人| 男男啪啪激烈高潮漫画免费| 亚洲综合区国产| 午夜福利午夜福利a| 高潮喷水久免费观看一区| 暖暖 免费 日本 在线| 精品一区二区三区四区五区乱码| 琪琪免费福利电影| 亚洲v欧美v国产| 亚洲精品人人夜夜天天| 夜夜澡一区二区三区精品| 伊人久久中文字幕| h片免费看久久| 三级日韩电影一区二区| 一级做a爰片久久毛片成人| 国产av在哪里看| 亚洲中文字幕在线高清m| 少妇人妻在线一卡| 伊人久久国产一区二区| 国产av天堂首页| 娇小的AV|色学生| 视频福利网址| 91成人午夜影院| 精品亚洲美女| 中文字幕av熟女肥臀人妻| 在线看色国产亚洲精品| 亚洲精品av成人影院| 久久精品色欧美一区二区| 国产熟女一区=区| avwww免费| 国产免费黄色视频一区二区三区 | 9420高清完整版在线观看| 国产精品亚洲综合久久婷婷| 亚洲熟女在线精品一区| 免费99久久| 亚洲精品网站的| XXXX69日本老师| 国产av福利久久| 老色鬼在线精品| 无码码男男作爱A片在线观看 | 亚洲国产一区二区免费| 未成满18禁止免费无码网站| 国产亚洲欧美人成| 一道本在线不卡av| 欧美精品a成人| 国产精品白丝喷水视频| 三级全黄色毛片| 中文字幕三级永久在线| 天堂av成人网手机版| 在线免费观看日韩欧美| 精品亚洲美女| 一区二区在线最新视频| 成人免费无码大片A毛片不卡| 夜夜操夜夜超碰| 精品处破学生在线观看| 欧美成人午夜免费影视| 野外少妇愉情中文字幕| 丰满人妻二区三区| 岳的屁股疯狂迎合| 亚洲av不卡一| 精品久久久久久久中文字幕| 国产精品va免费在线观看| 欧美性稚交6-12| 久久国产野战| 曰曰摸夜夜添夜夜添高潮出水| 国产精品一区二区在线现看| 日本免费一区二区三区伊甸园| 午夜ww在线观看| 久久一区二区大香蕉| 久久久精品久久久免费观看| 古代宫廷毛片| 久久久99精品91久久久久| 18女人性高朝床叫视频| 秋霞久久亚洲精品成人| 曰曰摸夜夜添夜夜添高潮出水| 91haose香蕉| 91久久精品人人妻| 男人的天堂久久激情| 亚洲av日韩av精品国产乱码| 欧美亚洲美腿丝袜| 久久香蕉一区二区| 暖暖韩国日本大全免费下载| 国产乱人伦偷精品毛片| 中文字幕7777| 欧美激情中文日韩蜜臀| 综合久久国产精品| 特级毛片免费视频播放| 日本高清网色视频| 久久精品a一国产成人免费网站| 亚洲欧美日韩清纯唯美| 东京热网站在线观看| 性欧美乱妇come| 秋霞一级黄色大片| 久久国产午夜免费婷婷综合精品网| 成人a级毛片| 亚洲4438x20| 中国XXXX片免费| 91在线电影免费观看| 国产精品久久久久成人av| 亚洲国产欧美日韩精品一区| y111111国产精品久久久| 9|热爆私密按摩偷拍| 成年大片40分钟免费视频播放| 无码爆乳护士让我爽| 国产人妻精品区一区二区| 最近2019中文字幕高清免费视频| 午夜DJ高清视频观看播放| 大香蕉av在线| 国产老熟女免费一区二区 | 中出清纯少妇人妻| 国产后入免费在线观看| 国产av香港| 新久久久久国产一级毛片| 老司机av电影天堂| 波多野结衣成人免费电影| 国语对白老太老头牲交视频| 人成欧美视频在线| 丰满人妻av一区二区三区| 西西大胆午夜视频无码| 亚洲成人精品少妇| 国产精品免费观看在线| 亚洲欧美日韩国产精品专区95| 无码专区人妻系列日韩精品| 欧美乱妇免费高清视频在线| 无套内射孕妇毛片免费看| 少妇人妻精品综合一区二区| 国产午夜精品理论片久久影院| 亚洲综合色另类| 国产黄色a级| 国产精品久久福利网站| 国产精品一区二区在线观看成人| 亚洲中文字幕久久乱码| 中文精品久久久久国产国产成人精品| 免费日本一区二区电影| 少妇久久精品一区二区夜夜嗨| 亚洲精品影院一区二区| 成人性生交大片免费看一4| md传媒免费全集观看在线观看| 久久免费高清一区二区三区| 久久综合黑丝| 人妻少妇久久综合| 娇喘潮喷抽搐高潮视频| 久久亚洲精品无码AV大香大香| 中国一级黄色片免费的| 亚洲日本精品一区久久精品| 别揉我奶头~嗯~啊~视频免费网站| 亚洲AV无码国产在丝袜线观看| 日韩高清在线一区观看| 黄片免费在线免费播放| 3p人妻少妇精品视频在线| 欧美刺激午夜性久久久久久久| 全程粗语对白视频VIDEOS| 日韩a人毛片精品无人区乱码| 永久免费福利网站| 日韩免费1区二区电影| 欧美人与性动交α欧美软件 | 欧美淫根插插插一区二区三区| 亚洲乱码一区二区中文字幕| 国产精品视频99免费| 久久久精品国产亚洲av一二三| 国产欧美日韩精品| 无码任你躁久久久久久久| 综合 欧美 亚洲日本| av日韩天堂| 国产综合在线观看一区二区 | 一级a一级a爰片免费2022| 亚洲免费视频自拍一区| 两个人BD高清在线观看2018年 | 亚洲中文字幕乱码在线视频| 国产三级精品在线不卡秒播| 全黄h全肉边做边吃奶视频| 老熟妇乱子伦牲交视频吗频| 在线观看免费国产黄片啊啊啊受不了了| 香蕉网站视频下载| 国产精品一区二区精品视频观看| 人禽伦免费交视频播放| 精品高清国产在线一区| 午夜日韩色视频| av午夜激情app| 国产午夜精品久久小说| 在线观看国产一区二区视频| 欧美成人四级中文字幕| 成人午夜青青草| 欧美人与性动交α欧美精品张| 欧美精品18videose×性欧美 | 久久青青狼人影院| 男女羞羞无遮挡免费| 国产动漫一区二区三区在线观看| 99久久99久久精品免费| 在线精品中文亚洲中文字幕| 日韩视频一区三区| 欧美成人免费观看全部国产| 美女黄网站色视频免费国产| 人妻熟女中文字幕丝袜| 亚洲av成人中心| 日本老熟妇乱子视频| 亚洲第一av专区| 大香蕉久久精品免费8| 一区二区中文字幕久久| 韩国三级亚洲精品| 韩国伦理片一区二区三区| 99热精品最新地址| 欧美午夜夫妻性生活视频| 高清中文字幕国产| 久久制服诱惑一区二区| 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日本免费一区二区三区视频日本 | 三个水嫩大学生闺蜜多水 | 看一级片免费在线观看| 国产91精品久久久久久| 中文字幕丝袜美腿人妻熟女| 真人试看做受120秒3分钟| 美女黄片亚洲免费| 精品亚洲欧美视频在线观看| 亚洲国产精品av在线| 国产美女视频黄a视频免费| 毛片三级三级三级免费看| 亚洲欧美日韩美女| 免费无遮挡黄H动漫APP在线| 青青草原国产区| 欧美丝袜足j| 很黄很黄的女同性A片| 久久99欧美午夜精品久久久 | 一本一道久久a久久精品综合开| 三级韩国免费观看| 天堂网2021中文字幕公司| 日本HDXXXXX护士| 秋霞av影院| 免费在线看黄色的网站 | 尤物网红麻酥酥极品自慰| 一级片黄色视频播放| 天堂网在线播放中文字幕| 日本动漫H爆乳无遮拦手机端| 亚洲av日韩av精品国产乱码 | 久久麻豆亚洲av成人| 亚洲一区二区三区在线视频观看 | 大屁股大乳丰满人妻HD| 久久亚洲综合激情| 久久婷婷综合国产精品尤物| 男人天堂av东京| 国产一区午夜福利在线观看| 麻豆国产精品va女在线观看| 亚洲国产欧美av| 国产区12p| FREEXXXXHD国语对白| 国产激情久久久网站| 小h片在线播放免费毛片| 国产黄色视频成人| 高清a级毛片免费看| 国产欧美亚洲二区| 亚洲免费观看国产| 日韩综合一卡二卡三卡死四卡 | 亚洲成人黄色av一区二区| 老女人看片网站| 岛国v免费观看视频| 亚洲国产欧美一区二区三区爱| 日韩av成人一区二区三区在线| 亚洲av午夜精品久久看一区| 亚洲天堂网av网站| 中文字幕丝袜美腿人妻| 久久久久亚洲av成人免费电影| 国产三级野战片| 国产成人色在线视频| 欧美人与动牲猛交a欧美精品| 亚洲中文字幕免费在线播放| 成人性生交c片免费看| 男人狂桶女人出白浆视频| 亚洲精品熟女在线| 奶头被吃得又翘又硬在线观看| 97久久久国产精品消防器材优势 | 国产三级精品综合| 国产熟睡乱子伦视频观看软件| 网站欧美一区二区三区| 中文字幕在线视频日韩欧美| 日韩免费黄色在线| 制服丝袜人妻中文字幕在线| 亚洲成人中文字幕电影网站| 亚洲乱码av一区二区| 亚洲av在线高清观看| 亚洲成人黑丝网址| av免费亚洲电影| 国产精品精品国产色婷婷| 亚洲欧美日韩在线系列| 丁香六月最新| 亚洲国产精品男久久久久久 | 中国女人黄色毛片视频| 亚州国产av| 好紧好湿好黄的视频| 一级一片免费观看视频国产| 熟妇人妻中文AV无码| 91av黄片| 免费视频色国产| 亚洲精品一区二区91在线| 一区二区亚洲乱码| 免费无码中文字幕A级毛片| 精品国产女人久久久久| 亚洲国产男同同性VIDEOS| 婷婷久久精品国产一区二区| 久久久久久久久久久久大奶| 黄片免费播放小视频| 一个月的宝宝边吃奶边哭还挣扎| 波多野结衣久久中文字幕| 亚洲精品嫩草研究院| 人人爱人人做人人干| 又黄又嫩又粗又硬视频| 四虎国产精品成人免费影视| 日本级在线视频| 亚洲avav日韩av| 免费无码又爽又刺激高潮虎虎视频| 日日艹夜夜撸| 欧美日韩av久久久| 日韩高清一二三区| 性色av大全在线观看| 国产a级片三级三级三级| 超大乳抖乳露双乳呻吟| 一级毛a级片| 愿我如星卿如月,夜夜流光相皎洁| 黑人巨大两根一起挤进的视频 | 特级毛片在线大全免费播放| 最近2018中文字幕大全视频8| 午夜A片无码1000集免费看| 5252色国产精品| 综合久久亚洲| 华人黄网站大全| 午夜福利免费试看| 国产精品一区探花| 免费在线青草视频| 色呦呦网站入口| 搡60老女人老妇女老熟女| 亚洲国产欧美久久综合| 不卡的av影片| 乱人伦精品在线观看| 日韩理伦一区二区三区视频| 麻豆出品国产AV在线观看| 精品人妻自拍视频中国大陆| 日本电影精品二区| 国产日韩久久久久老熟女| 91av午夜在线| 青草久久97| 亚洲va欧美va日韩va成人网 | 最新亚洲中文字幕天码| 亚洲欧洲国产综合考虑| 亚洲国产日韩综合久久| 成人免费欧美视频| 久久久久久欧美激情| 国产午夜福利精品久久| 久久中国人免费的片| 国产—在线精品自产拍| 亚洲精品国产字幕久久久| 日本成人三级电影网站| 97超级碰碰碰久久久久| 欧美色成人综合网| 在线观看国产精品入口| 日韩网站免费观看| 国产免费福利小视频| 亚洲精品有码av| 亚洲精品成人区一区二| 亚洲不卡免费视频观看| 亚洲av乱码一区二三区在线| 久久久国产午夜成年影院| 变态挤奶水AV大片| 俄罗斯美女与动Z0OZO0| 亚洲av2019| 亚洲av小说最新在线网址| 97久久草草超级碰碰碰| 久久久99人妻免费精品区二 | 国产伦精品一区二区三区视免费 | 最近中文在线国语| 搡老熟女东北国产av| 国产成人av性色在线观看| 人人爱人人搞人人爽| 国产亚洲av高清不卡| 女的被弄到高潮喷水抽搐| 丁香婷婷激情五月| 韩国三级在线观看6699av| 欧美黑人a区| 中文字幕日韩高清一区| xoxoxo性ⅹyy欧美| 无遮挡小黄片在线免费观看| 国产乱码精品一区二区三区14 | 2222亚洲一区综合| 国精品午夜福利视频不卡无毒| 两个人的www免费视频观看| 久久这里只有精品777| 中文AV网址在线观看| 亚洲国产综合无码一区二区| 放荡的情欲护士2| 亚洲国产精品va在线观看欧美 | 99视频精品在线| 色欲香天天天综合网站无码| 亚洲精品国产三区| 18禁网站成人 | 亚洲av国产精品桃色av| 国产女人夜夜春夜夜爽| 国产粉嫩av高清久久| 日韩电影免费一区二区三区| 久久久久av亚洲精品| 99re66久久在热青草| 在线观看91精品国产麻豆蜜桃| 一卡二卡三卡四卡高清免费| 黄片精品内射| 亚洲欧美人成影视在线| 在线视频精品999| 国产亚洲一区二区三区av| av高潮喷水在线| 一区二区日韩免费视频| 性欧美白人极品1819hd| 欧美国产精品亚洲精品观看| 夜夜操夜夜操夜夜完| 中文字幕精品一区二区三区我和| 国产91精品久久久久久| 亚洲爱我久久| 欧美一区二区三免费| a级毛片免费播放视频| 99久久精品国产av麻豆| 99久久精品国产av麻豆| 久久麻豆成人精品av| 国产成人免费av大片| 亚洲青青草原一区二区| www.熟女精品| 日日碰狠狠躁久久躁96av | 伊人久久亚洲综合大香线蕉| 国产色系在线| 综合色av麻豆| 亚洲av无一区二区三区久久久| 日韩午夜国产| 日韩午夜影片| 亚洲av日韩av综合av| 免费看成人国产一区二区三区| 日韩欧美国产多人免费| 97久久草草超级碰碰碰| xxx日本一二三区不卡| 亚洲aⅴ精品一区二区三区小| 国产欧美日韩亚洲区| 十八禁黄色无遮挡| 又色又激情的免费视频| 久久婷婷综合国产精品尤物| 欧美色吧综合| 99久久精品国产福利| a日本免费在线| 欧美成人精品高清在线观看| 理论片在线观看片免费| 精品一区二区电影在线| 成人三级黄色视频| 又黄又爽a成人免费视频| 欧美黑人又粗又长视频| 一区二区欧美亚洲成人| 裸体艳情视频在线观看网站| 91内射极品人妻| 搞黄视频大全在线| 日本免费一区色视频清免费| 96热久久这里只有精品| avwww免费| 亚洲十八岁女人毛片水多| 亚洲人在线观看| 青草久久97| 精品亚洲网站| 日韩专区亚洲| AV电影网站| 欧美熟妇丰满XXXXX| 久久婷婷人人爽人人干人人爱 | 日韩国内少妇激情av| 爱的人电影免费版中文| 欧美精品亚洲精品日韩已满十八| 93热视频在线观看| 国产乱码精品一区二区视频| 2021国产成人精品视频| 欧美一区二区三区四区黄片| 日本av视频免费观看| 久久成年精品视频| 亚洲成人精品一区二区在线| 日韩精品卡一av| 亚洲欧美国产日韩一区| 最近最新中文字幕高清中文字幕网| 久久亚洲欧美一级| 亚洲岛国av在线观看| 久久精品一区二区三区国产av| 粉嫩无套白浆第一次| 99RE66久久在热青草| 亚洲国产成人综合网| 日韩视频有码在线| 我看一级毛片| 桃花在线观看视频| av片东京热男人的天堂| 亚洲国产精品8x| 99国产在线精品观看| 国产伦在线观看视频免费| 老湿机69福利区无码| 免费下载观看黄色| 日韩欧美不卡视频一区二区三区| av在线免费观看的网址| 野外少妇愉情中文字幕| 免费99久久| 免费黄网黄色影院网站| 色偷偷男人av| 91丝袜美腿在线| 久久一区精品| 亚洲a在线视频免费观看| 欧美日韩国产亚洲乱码字幕| 国产欧美成人免费看| 六月丁香丫丫| 丰满大码熟女人妻爱爱| 小雪早被伴郎摸湿出水了| 日韩一区二区三区影片| 午夜精品色播av国产精品| 久久精品国产乱子伦免费| 好男人看视频免费2019| 国产成人精品午夜一区| 欧美激情性大片| 最新国产视频一区二区三区| 92午夜福利1000大合集| 中文字幕在线免费观看日韩| 国产99精品免费视频| 99热国产这里只有精品6| 久久国产精品成人免费| 亚洲专区欧美久久| 美女很黄在线观看| 亚洲av欧美va国产va在线| 99精品一区二区三区在线观看| 午夜神器成在线人成在线人| 免费看男女啪啪的视频网站| 吃美女奶头的视频网站| 大陆一级a毛片| 久久精品国产亚洲av香蕉高| 亚洲精品毛片一级av玫瑰| 我与么公激情性完整视频| 美女国产性色视频网站| av一二三区在线观看| 久久精品久久精品一区二区三区| 中文字幕久久第一页| 女同高潮喷水在线观看| 成熟人妻视频爱草| 国产亚洲精品97在线视频一| 亚洲成人av一区免费看| 亚洲成人久久久电影| 老司机亚洲精品电影院| 老汉色∧v一级毛片| 日韩高清免费在线观看一区| CHINESE国产HD中国熟女| 60分钟床上色大片免费看| 亚洲国产精品久久人爰| 免费人成网站免费看视频| 一区日韩二区人妻精品av| 少妇人妻综合久久中文字幕| 亚洲五月婷婷丁香| 青春草在线视频免费观看| 老老熟妇XXXXHD| 综合色吧亚洲| 男人捅女人黄色视频在线| 白带异常呈黄色| 国产亚洲欧美中文日韩| 99久久精品看国免费| 国产特黄三级在线观看| 18禁止观看美女脱裤子男生桶| 精品国产乱码久久久久久免费看| 国产精品一区福利在线观看| 美女高潮30分钟全程露脸| 亚洲欧美偷自拍| 日日噜噜夜夜狠狠视频欧美人| a√天堂中文资源在线| 免费高清特级毛片A片| 亚洲最大福利av成人在线观看 | 亚洲精选av久久久久久| av片免费在线人妻精品| 久久精品91久久香蕉国产| 人妻熟女av麻豆| 人妻の中文字幕| 欧美九色视频在线观看| 日日摸夜夜操av| 成人色婷婷久久| 大桥未久av片-88av| 国产美女精品三级在线| 国产精品久久久人人做人人爽| 三级黄色毛片免费| 国产色爽女视频免费观看| 国产一区二区成人精品| 日韩精品免费视频一区二区三区 | 欧美久久黑人一区二区| 综合欧美一区不卡中文字幕| av在线免费观看国产精品| 三级av日韩在线| 蜜月98久久综合国产精品一区| 亚洲黄色视频美女特黄一级| 超碰成人久久| 亚洲国产成人综合av| 欧美午夜精品久久久久久00| 日韩人妻一区二区av| 激情视频网站成人| 亚洲国产日韩A在线乱码| 这里有99精品| 97久热在线观看精品| 在线看片免费人成视频a区| 免费无码又爽又刺激激情视频| 欧美日韩一卡2卡三卡4卡新区| 亚洲avtv永久综合在线| 毛片播放播放播放播放| 国产一成人一区二区三区| 456亚洲人成视网| 亚洲高清成人一区二区三区| 亚洲国产综合无码一区二区| 国内精品国产三级ktv| 午夜刺激性视频| 老熟妇乱子性伦| 日韩激情熟女| 国产明星裸体XXXX视频| 亚洲国产亚洲综合| 久久久久久伊人网av| 欧美黄色大片永久观看| 久久这里都是精品6| 天堂男人av| 丝袜美腿诱惑国产三区| 男女啪啪啪高潮动图| 久青草国产手机在线观看| 一区国产精品| 一级毛片内射| 97国产一区二区三区四区久久| 国产av之国产系列| 我要看黄色一级片免费的| 全部毛片免费在线播放| 两性午夜刺激免费视频| 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人| 欧美色黄视频| free欧美性xxxx精品hd | 中文字幕一区二区久久人妻网站| 亚洲精品www久久久久久久| 午夜影院①区| 亚洲精品网站在线观看免费| 亚洲精品国产字幕久久久| 蹂躏办公室波多野在线播放| 在线超碰内射人妻| 国产亚洲欧美人成| 欧美国产日韩三级在线观看9| 国产一区二区三区制服诱惑| 激情五月婷婷乱| 亚洲乱码av一区二区| 国产精品毛片aⅴ一区二区三区| 成人午夜看片久久久| 久久人妻一区二区三区视频| 国产1区2区3区精品美女| 毛片av有码| 老熟妇仑乱视频hdxx| 人人爽人人爽人人爽av片特级| 亚洲1区中文字幕| 乱码午夜av噜噜噜噜| 精品偷自拍另类在线观看| 一区二区在线最新视频| 中国熟女一区二区| 野战少妇视频| 日本中文字幕人妻不卡dvd_| 国产精品欧美一区色| 老熟妇乱子伦120分钟| 国产成人**片亚洲精品不卡| 岛国毛片免费视频| 欧美一区二区亚洲专区| 久久久999精品| 国产男靠女视频免费网站| 美女午夜福利精品| 国产成人在线99| 亚洲高清国产一区| 精品少妇一区二区三区视频日本电影| 在线A片永久免费看无码不卡| 午夜福利午夜福利| 这里有99精品| 亚洲男人天堂av女优| 成人aⅴ片在线观看| 国产成人在线亚洲欧美| 毛片一区二区三区久久| 精品久久久久久久久视色限时免费| 亚洲综合欧美日韩一区| 18禁裸体自慰免费观看| 免费黄片一级视频| h在线观看日韩欧美| 午夜福利论理片| 国产亚洲一区二区精品| 2021国产麻豆剧传媒免费| 亚洲中文欧美日韩| 99国产在线精品观看| 亚洲乱码av中文| 亚洲av日韩av国产精品| 91久久99久久91熟女精品| 欧美国产日韩三级在线观看9| 亚洲国产日韩A在线乱码| 国产高清在线观看视频一线| 欧美日韩亚洲二区| 久久久久久九九99精品午夜福利| 中国一区二区乱码| 欧美大片在线观看一区二区| 免费乱理伦片在线观看2018| 又爽又色的视频网站| 熟女日韩欧美一区二区三区| 国产男女猛烈无遮挡性| 欧美成人精品一区二区综合免费| 久久精品国产成人综合婷婷免费| 亚洲在久久综合| 国产熟妇精品一区二区视频| 久久人妻公开中文字幕| 97国产精品久久久久久超粗| 男人女人特黄视频| 麻豆97欧美在线| 天天摸日日夜夜摸| 国内少妇人妻精品视频三区四区| 国产成人精品久久二区三区色俗| 久久精品一区二区三区四区123国产 | 亚洲最新av一区二区三区| 爱的人电影免费版中文| 久久深爱婷婷| 亚洲天堂av网在线| 国产精品一区二区三区别| 一本大道一卡二卡三卡四卡| 亚洲AV无码专区色爱天堂 | 久久亚洲中文字幕精品一区二区| 久久久久久久亚洲中文字幕| 热re66久久国产精品首页| 日本熟妇人妻XXXXXHD| 蹂躏办公室波多野在线播放| 亚洲AV制服丝袜日韩高清| 亚洲免费av第一区| 少妇熟女精品| 国产精品av久久人妻无| 99r最新高清网址| 精品伊人久久影院| 日韩视频一区三区| 亚洲av国产精品午夜福利| 被侵犯的人妻中文字幕| 8maⅴ泄火熟女| 国一区二区三区在线| 国产av香港| 免费国产黄色视频| 亚洲欧美精品综合久久99| 超碰97大香蕉15| 国产成人秘史在线播放| 日本老熟妇乱子视频| 精品人妻1区二区| 成人影院最新网址| 无码一卡二卡三卡四卡视频版| 性欧洲精品VIDEOS| 永久免费AV无码网站04| 老司机午夜永久免费影院| 婷婷激情麻豆五月| 欧美爆乳少妇A片| 天天狠天天透天干天天| 青柠社区在线高清视频免费版| 新搬来的四个爆乳邻居| AV免费观看| 久久久久久精品免费免费直播| 欧美VIDEOS粗暴高清| 久久综合亚洲色HEZYO国产| 18禁止午夜福利体验区| 禁室培欲3:香港情夜| 又大又黄又免费的视频| 免费视频爱爱太爽了网站| 痴汉中文字幕在线观看| 成人高潮视频无遮挡免费网站| 久久精品国产亚洲网站| 久久精品国产成人综合婷婷免费 | 国产精品一区二区av麻豆蜜臀| 久久精品性av| av永久免费在线播放| 日韩国产欧美视频一区二区| 各类熟女熟妇真实视频| 成年美女黄网站18禁动态图片 | 在线观看成人一区二区三区| 40岁成熟女人牲交片20分钟| 男男啪啪激烈高潮漫画免费| 亚洲伊人影院av| 黄视频在线国产| 国产精品传媒| 日本乱码一区二区三区| 亚洲aⅴ每日更新在线观看| av免费在线观看全网站| 日韩高清免费在线观看一区| 国产亚洲精品97在线视频一| 亚洲精品视频在| 女人和公牛做了好大好爽| 宝宝腿开大点就不疼了在线视频| 正在播放流白浆| 山外人精品影视| 日韩欧美久久久免费精品| 99亚洲精精品大全中文字幕| 国产福利视频免费在线| 日韩高清在线第一页| 最新国产视频一区二区三区| 黄色91影院| 欧美性猛交╳xxx乱大交人| 亚洲精品卡2卡三卡4卡1卡乱码| 欧美成人一区二区免费| 欧美久久精品中文字幕一区| 女人被狂c到高潮视频在| 国产91精品小伙和老熟女泻火| 4399韩国电影免费观看| 16女下面流水不遮视频| 精品人妻中出| 国产在线欧美一区二区三区| 亚洲精品一卡2卡3卡4卡乱码 | 成在线人免费视频一区二区| 1级片在线视频观看| 亚洲国产成人综合网| 国语刺激对白在线视频播放| 亚洲国产日韩欧美视频一区| 婷婷色综合影院 | 亚洲人成色77777在线观看| 久久999国产高清精品| 日日碰狠狠躁久久躁96av| 最新国产精品精品| 国产综合久久亚洲综合| 无码黄动漫在线观看| 国产高清国产精品国产三级| 免费播看高清大片免播放器| 国产精品无遮挡裸体视频| av高潮av久| 俄罗斯victory day青年| 国产六月婷婷爱在线观看| 成人毛片a级毛片免费观看99| av在线日韩| 91精品中文字幕在线观看| 亚州一区二区三区av无玛| 亚洲色图综合网激情五月| 亚洲v欧美日韩h| av久久亚洲精品| 强睡年轻的女老板中文字幕| 久久久久久国产精品女| 日韩激情免费成人影院| 日本mv高清在线成人高清| 中国男男自慰GAY片免费观看| 欧美性猛交xxxx乱大交m| av男人的天堂国产在线观看| 97免费视频国产在线观看| 午夜影院①区| 成人性生交片免费看| 国产suv精品一区二区在线| 老子影院午夜伦手机不卡国产| aaaaa片日本免费| 人人妻人人爽人人澡欧美| 亚洲孕妇毛片| 国产毛片基地一区二区三| 两个人的www免费视频观看| 不卡一级黄色视频| 久久99精品久久久久久蜜芽TV | 爱爱aaa噜噜| 日日摸夜夜爽| 国产av亚洲av在线播放| 喷潮娇喘喷水呻吟高潮夜夜嗨| 69久久夜色国产精品69| 永久免费av在线看网站| AV无码免费看| 亚洲最大影院久久久久久| 久久电影国产精品一区二区三区| 国产午夜理论不卡琪琪| 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